Bragg Liquid Aminos -- A Cheap Artificial Soy Sauce

on Saturday, April 9, 2011

There are two basic ways to make soy sauce. One is the traditional method in which soy beans are fermented to break apart the protein using yeast or mold. The cheaper way involves boiling some type of protein in a strong acid like sodium hydroxide (oven cleaner) or hydrochloric acid (stomach acid). Both methods break apart the proteins in soy, grain, veggies, or meat to produce free glutamates, also known as MSG.

Hydrolyzed vegetable protein, using sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid baths.

Currently artificial soy producers in the US are negotiating with traditional producers in Japan to determine appropriate labeling for natural and artificial soy sauce.

I find this situation hilarious because "liquid amino" products like Braggs are simply cheaply produced soy sauce, involving chemical processing of vegetable proteins. Recently the FDA decided that they could not label their product "MSG free" anymore because their product contains so much MSG.

Soybeans, wheat, salt, yeast.

I grew up with the stuff. Most of my friends had Braggs in their home because they thought it was more natural, or more healthy, or maybe they just thought that the labeling indicated that the producers performed a shamanistic rain dance around the vat of veggies and hugged a tree several times before bottling.

Both products are safe, but this shit cracks me up.
Hydrolyzed (broken apart with acid) soy protein, salt, corn syrup, caramel color, potassium sorbate.